In memory of Sharon D. Baker
Sharon D. Baker was initiated into the Louisville Alumnae Chapter Spring April 2013, # 18, her line name was "Steady D. Course '' and Sharon was indeed steadfast and unmovable in all she did. Sharon was a champion of education and social action. She was our immediate past social action chair, and immediate past state social action coordinator. Sharon battled cancer and fought like a girl. Above is a picture of her after completing her first intense round of chemotherapy. Sorors lined the streets to celebrate her and show the love that she had shown to all of us. On Wednesday, November 16, we believe the Lord healed Sharon when he called her home. To us her work was not complete , but to God He said well done. As we celebrate our sister we want you to champion the things that she loved as well. You can do this by making a donation to our scholarship program in memory of Soror Sharon D. Baker.